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When to confess your love: indicators that the time is right for the big reveal

When you are dating someone who means a lot to you, sometimes it is not enough to just say that you like them. Confessing your love is a very important relationship milestone, so you should be careful if you do not entirely feel this way about the person. We believe that this article will help you to learn when to say I love you.

When do you say I love you
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Source: UGC

If you two have been together for a while and you feel like this person is right for you, perhaps you are considering confessing the whole extent of your feelings to them. Many people are confused about how soon is too soon to say I love you because they do not want to rush it. This is why "How soon to say I love you" and "How long to say I love you" are frequent Google searches.

It is universally accepted that you should say these words out loud when you are ready and are one hundred per cent sure that you truly feel this way about your partner. You have to know for sure that what you experience towards this person is something deep and serious. Maybe some of these points will help you figure that out and answer the question, "When should you say I love you?"

When do you say I love you to your partner?

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There are some signs that your feelings are profound, and you are ready to commit to this person long-term.

1. They make you smile

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A Plus

Every time you look at them, they make your heart beat faster and put a smile on your face. Every little thing they do is cute in your eyes. This is most definitely something real, and you can safely confess it.

2. Their flaws are not critical to you

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It is true that everyone has some minor flaws that might be annoying. The chances are that you are not too bothered about these things, and value your special person regardless of their imperfections.

3. Distance makes you stronger

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How long to say I love you
Image: pexels.com
Source: UGC

The easiest way to know that you love someone is to observe your reactions and emotions when they are away. If you still manage to make your relationship work even when you are not physically close, this might be a sign that this is something deeper than just a crush.

4. You can envision your future together

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Envisioning your future with this person and clearly seeing that it can work is one of the signs that you are committed to them. It is different than daydreaming of being with your crush when you barely know anything about them. When you get to know someone and are aware of their life goals and purposes, their flaws and imperfections, yet still picture yourself being in a long-term relationship with them, you can safely say they are in your heart.

5. You are committed

VIDEO: FilterCopy | Signs You're Ready To Say I Love You | Ft. Manish, Nikhil and Sakshi

When you are infatuated with someone, it is just a feeling which will pass with time. Sometimes, you are not willing to go to great lengths and work on your relationship. With someone who is right for you, you feel the sense of commitment. You want to become a better person and help them become one. You are dedicated to solving any problems that come up in your union. You care about them so much that you are not willing to let them go easily.

There are many more reasons why you can be deeply in love with someone, and some of them differ depending on the specifics of your relationship.

When to say I love you: The perfect time for your confession

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When to say I love you
Image: pexels.com
Source: UGC

The timing of this important revelation to your significant other also matters. Sometimes it is just not the right moment to announce it, and the words can lose their value. Of course, it often happens that you just want to say it spontaneously after something triggers your emotion. Still, there are some unspoken rules and valuable advice about admitting your love and when it would be more appropriate to do it.

1. Make sure you are both in a committed relationship

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It is probably not the best idea to admit your deep feelings to someone who you are dating casually for a short while. These words should be spoken to someone who is your committed partner, and the two of you are exclusive.

2. Wait at least a couple of months

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If you say "I love you" to someone when you barely know this person, there is a chance that it could possibly scare them off. Even if you are completely head over heels and feel like everything is going perfectly, it is better to wait and take things slow.

3. Be sure that you are going to stick with it

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How soon to say I love you
Image: pexels.com
Source: UGC

Treat these words like a promise to this person that you will always be by their side. Such big confessions should not be taken back easily, so make sure that you absolutely mean it - otherwise, it can do more harm than good.

4. Choose a private moment

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This should be your moment, and you want to have good memories of it. You should, therefore, make sure that you are alone when speaking these words.

5. Make sure that you have your partner's full attention

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Your confession could be easily brushed off or left unheard in noisy or public places, when your partner is very tired or in a bad mood. When you tell them something big like this, you have to be sure that they are carefully listening to you and will have an opportunity to process your words properly.

Learning when to say I love you can be hard, but with time, you will get it. Good luck, and may your significant other feel the same way!

Source: Legit.ng


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Author: Terri Lewis

Last Updated: 1703189161

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Name: Terri Lewis

Birthday: 1937-03-18

Address: 971 Karen Mountains Apt. 900, Chenfort, HI 46823

Phone: +4764543244874612

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Yoga, Writing, Amateur Radio, Fencing, Ice Skating, Bird Watching, Survival Skills

Introduction: My name is Terri Lewis, I am a transparent, treasured, talented, unyielding, striking, Open, exquisite person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.